
5th Circuit DACA/ DAPA Update- Injunction Lives!
5th Circuit DACA/ DAPA Update- Injunction Lives!
The Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in a 2-1 decision refused the Obama administration's request for an emergency stay of Judge Andrew Hanen's injunction against the President's deferred action (DAPA and DACA+).  This...
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Oral Arguments in the Fifth Circuit about DAPA and DACA Injunction
Oral Arguments in the Fifth Circuit about DAPA and DACA Injunction
Oral arguments in federal court generate lots of light, but very little heat.  One thing every appellate lawyer knows is not to predict the outcome of a case based upon oral arguments.  The better legal...
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Hopeful News from 5th Circuit in Deferred Action Challenge: Crane v. Johnson
Hopeful News from 5th Circuit in Deferred Action Challenge: Crane v. Johnson
[caption id="attachment_2294" align="aligncenter" width="620"] The head of the ICE Bureaucrats' Union, Chris Crane.[/caption] A victory for the Obama administration in a case related to DACA in the 5th Circuit should give hope to millions waiting...
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What happened at the Fifth Circuit on the DAPA and DACA injunction?
What happened at the Fifth Circuit on the DAPA and DACA injunction?
It seems that nothing is going to happen on the Texas judge's DAPA and DACA injunction until next month at the earliest.  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a series of...
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What is happening in Texas?  Will there be a stay of the stay?
What is happening in Texas? Will there be a stay of the stay?
While the junior senator from Texas dominates the news, we remain more concerned about what is happening in a court house in Texas and another in New Orleans-- the U.S. District Court in Harlingen where...
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What is going on with Executive Action?
What is going on with Executive Action?
It has been a whirlwind month for immigration as this country continues on its indecisive course on immigration law and policy.  We try to make sense of the goings-on: What is the status of Judge...
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What the Injunction of DAPA and DACA Executive Action Means
What the Injunction of DAPA and DACA Executive Action Means
[caption id="attachment_2214" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Judge Andrew Hanen[/caption] First thing to know about the decision of the Texas judge who decided that DAPA and expanded DACA were illegal- DON'T PANIC!  Keep collecting documents.  This is a...
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The President's executive reforms to the U.S. immigration system make a number of very positive changes that have the potential to help millions of people.  Although we have written about various components of the reforms...
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EXECUTIVE REFORMS: Expanded DACA Eligibility
EXECUTIVE REFORMS: Expanded DACA Eligibility
Another significant development coming out of the Presidential reforms announced yesterday is the expansion of DACA beyond its original parameters established in 2012.  For descriptions of the original DACA requirements, please see here.  The executive...
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DACA Renewals Begin!
DACA Renewals Begin!
  On June 5, 2014, the renewal process for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals starts for more than half-million DREAMERs who are already enrolled in the program. DREAMERs or DACA beneficiaries will continue to...
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Will the Courts Invalidate Deferred Action?
Will the Courts Invalidate Deferred Action?
There is much hue and cry over a federal district court judge possibly blocking the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. In a lawsuit filed by Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, on behalf...
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Immigration Reform Follies!
Immigration Reform Follies!
The past few days have revealed tremendous silliness in the immigration reform debate.  It is a true pity given the serious stakes involved for everyone persecuted by the U.S.' brutal immigration laws. Just today, we...
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The Whine of the ICE Bureaucrats
The Whine of the ICE Bureaucrats
It has been a tough week for the ICE bureaucrats who have sought to undermine the political leadership of this country to pursue their own restrictivist and nativist agenda.  Regular readers of this blog (my...
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Immigration Reform 2013: The President’s Plan
Immigration Reform 2013: The President’s Plan
[youtube] What a week it has been.  There has been more positive discussion of immigration reform in the last week than in the past decade and while none of it is perfect, it is...
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The Immigration Industrial Complex
The Immigration Industrial Complex
The Migration Policy Institute recently released a study documenting that the U.S. government spent $18 billion on immigration enforcement, dwarfing the $14 million spent on other federal law enforcement agencies. The FBI, the DEA and...
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