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    Consultation Policy

    A consultation with a Benach Collopy attorney is often the first contact a client will have with our firm. The consultation is an opportunity to meet with an experienced lawyer, identify and discuss all aspects of your case, outline a strategy to achieve your goals, and explain the timeline, fees, and next steps you can expect.

    The initial consultation is a one-time commitment for a flat fee. The attorney you meet with will have prepared in advance by reviewing any documents you provide and researching the relevant law. The consultation is a safe, confidential forum for you to explain what you hope to achieve, any difficulties you are facing, your dreams and fears and concerns. We listen and offer our recommendations based on years of experience in solving our clients’ diverse legal problems. Whether it involves defense in removal proceeding, growing your business with foreign workers, sponsoring relatives to come to the U.S., or litigating a complex matter in federal court, the attorneys at Benach Collopy can advise how to handle the case.

    We’ll answer your questions and at the end of our meeting you’ll leave with an honest, informed appraisal of your case and the next steps that need to be taken — whether you retain us or not. If you wish to schedule a consultation, please call 301-778-2603 or email Camila Rodriguez at or Juan Lozano at to arrange a date and time to meet with an attorney. If you wish to schedule a consultation, please call us or complete the form on this page. Consultations can be in-person or by telephone or Zoom.

    Benach Collopy

    Benach Collopy N/a
    4530 Wisconsin Ave NW
    Suite 400

    DC 20016
    Map & Directions